Da bei der Beschreibung der Fehlerursachen viele Fachbegriffe notwendig werden, die sich nur schwer in verständliches Deutsch übersetzen lassen, ist die folgende Liste bewusst in Englisch abgefasst. Dadurch wird auch der Zugriff auf die weiterführenden IBM-Handbücher um vieles erleichtert.
Exception ID | Description |
0101..00 | Media source characteristics changed |
0200..01 | Text control sequence code exception |
0202..01 | Non corresponding identifier |
0202..02 | Invalid or unsupported command length |
0202..05 | Invalid self defining field length |
0204..05 | Invalid reference system |
0205..05 | Invalid unit base |
0206..01 | Suppression nesting not allowed |
020b..05 | Invalid or missing field identifier |
0210..01 | Invalid line margin |
0211..01 | Invalid baseline increment |
0213..01 | Invalid absolute move baseline |
0214..01 | Invalid absolute move inline |
0217..01 | Invalid variable space character increment |
0218..02 | Font not available |
0219..01 | Empty target string |
021b..02 | Unsupported unit base value |
021c..01 | 0xd3 byte is missing |
021d..02 | Code page not supported |
021e..01 | Invalid text control sequence length |
021f..01 | String empty or too long |
022c..02 | Resolution not supported |
0231..01 | Invalid number of copies |
0232..01 | Unknown keyword |
0234..01 | Invalid length |
0236..01 | Invalid simplex/duplex parameter |
0237..03 | Unknown media destination |
0237..04 | Incompatible media source and media destination |
0237..05 | Media source or media destination mix |
0238..01 | Too many overlays |
0238..02 | Double byte not supported |
0239..01 | Too many suppressions |
0242..01 | No pels per scan line |
0244..01 | No scan lines in image |
0246..01 | Invalid compression or not 1 bit/pel |
0249..01 | Illegal scan line direction |
0263..01 | No pattern storage |
0264..02 | Unsupported unit base |
026a..01 | Insufficient source image data |
026e..01 | Invalid modification |
0272..02 | Media not wide enough |
0273..02 | Media not high enough |
0274..02 | Media size unit base not supported |
0277..01 | No group active |
0277..04 | Unknown format |
027a..01 | Unsupported length |
027c..03 | Invalid finishing operation type |
0285..01 | Invalid overlay identifier |
028a..01 | Invalid page segment identifier |
0290..01 | Invalid overlay identifier |
0291..01 | Overlay already loaded |
0292..01 | Overlay not found |
0292..02 | Illegal parameter value |
0293..01 | Recursive overlay invocation |
0294..01 | Invalid page segment identifier |
0295..01 | Page segment already loaded |
0296..01 | Page segment not found |
0298..03 | Invalid value for baseline move control sequence |
02ab..01 | Insufficient page buffer storage |
02ac..01 | Page too complex |
02af..01 | Not enough storage |
02af..03 | Pixel storage overflow |
02c1..01 | Only one simplex/duplex keyword |
02c2..02 | Only one media source or media destination keyword |
02c3..01 | Simplex/duplex mix |
02c4..01 | Copy mix |
02c8..01 | Unknown media source |
0300..01 | Invalid, unsupported graphic order |
0300..02 | Reserved bits not zero |
0300..03 | Invalid length of drawing order |
0393..00 | No corresponding begin image |
0393..01 | Insufficient image data |
03c2..01 | Invalid marker symbol |
03d1..00 | Truncated graphics image exception |
03d1..02 | Graphics image format not supported |
0403..00 | Invalid or unsupported barcode type |
0409..00 | Ratio not supported |
040b..00 | Invalid barcode modifier |
040c..00 | Invalid barcode data length |
040f..00 | Unsupported barcode size |
0421..00 | Invalid character in string |
0500..01 | Invalid IO-image order |
0500..03 | Invalid length of IO-image order |
0500..04 | Invalid format specification |
0570..0f | Already within one IO-image segment |
0571..0f | Not within an IO-image segment |
0591..0f | Not within an IO-image segment |
0593..0f | Not within a content block |
0594..0f | Image size parameter missing |
0595..0f | Not within a content block |
0595..10 | Unsupp ortedecording algorithm |
0596..0f | Not within a content block |
0596..10 | Only one bit supported |
4000..00 | Printer not ready |
4001..00 | Out of paper |
4002..00 | Media destination is full |
4004..00 | Out of toner |
4031..00 | Paper-length check |
40e5..00 | Jam recovery needed |
40e6..00 | Door open |
5010..00 | Printer-hardware exception |
8001..00 | Invalid or unsupported command code |
8004..00 | Data received after an acknoledgement request |