

Kommandos in EXECUTE MODE

Change SFCC

Changes the current Special Function Control Code (SFCC).






  • n represents the decimal numeric value for the new SFCC
  • 'n' represents the hexadecimal value for the new SFCC enclosed in single quotes (opening single quote ' and closing single quote ' )

Compressed Print

Defines the horizontal print density in character per inch (CPI).




  • n selects the density in CPI

Dynamic Alphanumeric Data

Executes the dynamic alphanumeric data provided after the (sfcc)EXECUTE command incorporating this dynamic data into a previously identified location on the form.




  • AFn indicates a dynamic alphanumeric field (AF) and its data (n)
  • text specifies the alphanumeric string (group of ASCII characters) to print
  • (d) defines the delimiter (printable character identifying the start and the end of the alphanumeric string)

Dynamic Bar Code Data

Executes the dynamic bar code data provided after the (sfcc)EXECUTE command incorporating this dynamic data into a previously identified location on the form.




  • BFn indicates a dynamic bar code field (BF) and its data (n)
  • data specifies the characters for the bar code data
  • (d) defines the delimiter (printable character identifying the start and the end of the bar code data)

Executes the dynamic logo provided after the (sfcc)EXECUTE command incorporating this dynamic data into a previously identified location on the form.




  • GFn indicates a dynamic logo field (GF) and its location (n)
  • logoname specifies the logo name to print
  • (d) defines the delimiter (printable character identifying the start and the end of the name string)

Expanded Print

Specifies expansion factors to select different font sizes.




  • VE defines the vertical expansion factor
  • HE defines the horizontal expansion factor

Ignore Sequence

Enables the IGP-Emulator to ignore all characters after the command IGON occured, until the complement command IGOFF is entered.


- to enter Ignore Sequence


- to exit Ignore Sequence


Incremental Dynamic Alphanumeric Data

Executes the incremental dynamic alphanumeric data provided after the (sfcc)EXECUTE command incorporating incremental/decremental capability to dynamic data into a previously identified location on the form.




  • IAFn indicates an incremental dynamic alphanumeric field (IAF) and its data location (n)
  • idir is the optional parameter to specify an increment (+) or decrement ­ to the data
  • stepmask defines the increment amount (step), the number of character positions in the data field, and provides a mask to control the increment/decrement function on specific parts of data
  • RPTn is the optional parameter that specifies the number of times a particular field value is repeated before it is incremented/decremented
  • RSTn is the optional parameter that specifies the number of times an incremented/decremented field value is printed before it is reset to the starting value
  • startdata defines the starting value of the incremental data field
  • (d) defines the delimiter (printable character identifying the start and the end of the data string)

Incremental Dynamic Bar Code Data

Executes the incremental dynamic bar code data provided after the (sfcc)EXECUTE command incorporating incremental/decremental capability to dynamic data into a previously identified location on the form.




  • IBFn indicates an incremental dynamic bar code field (IBF) and its data location (n)
  • idir is the optional parameter to specify an increment (+) or decrement ­ to the data
  • stepmask defines the increment amount (step), the number of character positions in the data field, and provides a mask to control the increment/decrement function on specific parts of data
  • RPTn is the optional parameter that specifies the number of times a particular field value is repeated before it is incremented/decremented
  • RSTn is the optional parameter that specifies the number of times an incremented/decremented field value is printed before it is reset to the starting value
  • startdata defines the starting value of the incremental data field
  • (d) defines delimiter (printable character identifying the start and the end of the data string)

Line Spacing

Defines the lines per inch (LPI) printing format.




  • n selects the line spacing in LPI

Multinational Character Set

Selects one of the multinational or extended character sets available under IGP.




  • n identifies the character substitution set number

Normal Mode

Places the IGP-Emulator in the NORMAL MODE, where the data stream is not changed but checked for SFCC followed by an IGP command.




  • NORMAL MODE is entered automatically when the IGP-Emulator is started
  • A blank line or overlay data must always separate an EXECUTE command from a NORMAL command, unless a form count is given for the EXECUTE.


Specifies the printer paper options.


  (sfcc)PAPER[;option[ #]]


  • option defines the printer paper option such as DUPLEX, INPUT, OUTPUT, PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, ROTATE
  • # specifies the value of the corresponding paper option


Deletes all forms and logos from the memory and restarts the IGP-Emulator.



Select Format

Enables the IGP-Emulator to ignore all host-generated control codes between 00 and 0F hex (for example paper movement commands).


- to enter the Select Format


- to exit the Select Format



During Select Format following IGP paper movement commands can be entered (in UPPERCASE):

- for a carriage return (hex 0D)


- for a line feed (hex 0A)


- for a form feed (hex 0C)


convert4print/igp/kommandos_in_execute_mode.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018-04-06 16:52 (Externe Bearbeitung)