
Ist die IGP-Anwendung fehlerhaft, werden auf dem angeschlossenen Drucker die Fehlernummer und die fehlerhafte Programmzeile ausgegeben. Da die Daten in der Regel ASCII-Zeichen sind, werden die Zeichen in Bereich Hex 20 bis Hex 7D als druckbare Zeichen angesehen; alle anderen Zeichen werden als Hexadezimalzahl eingerahmt in Schrägstriche gedruckt.

Beispiel #1:

  *** ERROR 61

Beispiel #2:

  *** ERROR 128

Folgende Fehlernummern werden z. Z. generiert:

Error Description
40 Leading and trailing delimiters mismatched in ALPHA command
45 Insufficient memory to store the ALPHA string
53 Insufficient memory to create the logo
54 Logo format or delimiter error in LOGO command
55 LOGO call not previously defined
59 Error in PCX logo processing
60 Directory full – cannot CREATE the form or logo
61 CREATE command unrecognized
67 CREATE STOP command missing
71 EXECUTE/DELETE form not found in the directory
75 Insufficient memory to store the overlay data
79 Command too long or wrong command line
80 Command must be called from the NORMAL mode
81 No such command
88 Bar code type not supported
90 Insufficient memory to store the bar code
91 ALPHA/BARCODE syntax error
97 BARCODE data field too short or too long
128 FORM/LOGO name is not a legal name
133 Incremental STEPMASK/STARTDATA length error
136 Incremental STEPMASK/STARTDATA mismatched
150 ISET character selection parameter n error
152 USET character set n parameter error
153 USET substituted character illegal – must be 1 of 16
154 USET defined character illegal – must be hex 20-FF
160 A semicolon is missing between parameters in FONT or PAPER command
161 Illegal typeface or font name in FONT command
162 Illegal font bolding factor in FONT command
163 Illegal font slant in FONT command
165 Illegal symbol set in FONT command
300 Wrong version number in TIFF logo
301 Wrong directory offset in TIFF logo
302 Wrong data type of tag in entry of TIFF logo
303 Wrong data type of count in entry of TIFF logo
304 Wrong data type of offset in entry of TIFF logo
305 Wrong data type of offset in entry of TIFF logo
306 Wrong data type in entry of TIFF logo
308 Wrong bits per sample parameter in TIFF logo
309 Not supported compression type in TIFF logo
310 Wrong photometric parameter in TIFF logo
311 Wrong samples per pixel parameter in TIFF logo
312 Wrong units of resolution parameter in TIFF logo
313 Wrong data type in byte order of TIFF logo
314 Wrong header in TIFF logo
315 Wrong byte order in TIFF logo
316 Wrong data type in entries of TIFF logo
317 Wrong entries in TIFF logo
318 Rows per strip must be defined in TIFF logo
320 Wrong data type in TIFF logo
321 Bad unpacked bits replicate count in TIFF logo
322 Unpacked bits data overflow in TIFF logo
323 Bad unpacked bits literal count in TIFF logo
324 Wrong unpacked bits counter in TIFF logo