Da bei der Beschreibung der IPDS-Kommandos viele Fachbegriffe notwendig werden, die sich nur sehr schwer in verständliches Deutsch übersetzen lassen, sind die nachfolgenden Seiten bewusst in Englisch abgefasst. Dadurch wird auch der Zugriff auf die weiterführenden IBM-Handbücher um vieles erleichtert.
Following command sets are contained in the IPDS architecture:
Device Control
- to initialize the environment, to manage resources, to handle the acknowledgement protocolText
- to present text information in a page, an overlay or a page segmentIM Image
- to present images in a page, an overlay or a page segmentIO Image
- to present images, compressed images and grayscales in a page, an overlay or a page segmentGraphics
- to present graphics in a page, an overlay or a page segmentBar Code
- to present bar code information in a page, an overlay or a page segmentPage Segment
- to store and present text, image, graphics and bar code informationOverlay
- to store and present text, image, graphics and bar code informationLoaded Font
- to load font information
$D6AF |
Begin Page (BP) - identifies the beginning of the page. |
$D64F |
Deactivate Font (DF) - deactivates one or more coded fonts. |
$D65D |
End (END) - represents the ending of some objects (image, graphics, bar code, downloaded font). |
$D6BF |
End Page (EP) - marks the end of a page, an overlay, or a page segment. |
$D69F |
Load Copy Control (LCC) - initializes the printer to a new sheet and defines the generation of the output from received page data.
$D63F |
Load Font Equivalence (LFE) - defines the mapping of font local identifiers to coded font Host-Assigned ID.
$D6CF |
Logical Page Descriptor (LPD) - defines the characteristics of the current logical page for a sent page or overlay.
$D66D |
Logical Page Position (LPP) - defines the position of the logical page origin with respect to the origin of the medium presentation space.
$D603 |
No Operation (NOP) - has no effect on the presentation environment. |
$D6E4 |
Sense Type and Model (STM) - requests the printer to respond with informations about its characteristics. |
$D697 |
Set Home State (SHS) - causes the printer to return to home state from any state. |
$D633 |
Execute Order Anystate (XOA) - defines a set of orders (subcommands) that are immediately processed.
$D68F |
Execute Order Home State (XOH) - defines a set of orders (subcommands) that can be processed in the home state only.
$D61D |
Load Equivalence (LE) - allows text suppression internal values to be referenced externally using different values. |
$D62D |
Write Text (WT) - defines a set of control sequences (listed below in alphabetical order):
$D63D |
Write Image Control (WIC) - activates the IM image state and defines the image size and the necessary information to process the input data:
$D64D |
Write Image (WI) - sends image data to the printer. |
$D63E |
Write Image Control 2 (WIC2) - activates the IO image state and defines parameters for the image processing using self-defining fields:
$D64E |
Write Image 2 (WI2) - sends the image parameters and data to the printer using self-defining fields (listed below in alphabetical order):
$D684 |
Write Graphics Control (WGC) - activates the graphics state and defines parameters for the graphics processing using self-defining fields:
$D685 |
Write Graphics (WG) - sends the graphics data consisting of graphics segments, which can contain the orders listed below in alphabetical order:
$D680 |
Write Bar Code Control (WBCC) activates the bar code state and defines parameters for the bar code processing using self-defining fields:
$D681 |
Write Bar Code (WBC) - sends the bar code parameters and data to the printer.
$D6DF |
Begin Overlay (BO) - activates the overlay state in which the IPDS commands that follow, until the End Page (EP) command occurs, are saved as an overlay resource for later using. |
$D67D |
Include Overlay (IO) - presents a previously activated overlay on the current logical page at the specified position. |
$D6EF |
Deactivate Overlay (DO) - deactivates either a single overlay or all activated overlays. |
$D65F |
Begin Page Segment (BPS) - activates the page segment state in which the IPDS commands that follow, until the End Page (EP) command occurs, are saved as a page segment resource for later using. |
$D67F |
Include Page Segment (IPS) - processes a previously activated page segment as though its commands had just been received. |
$D66F |
Deactivate Page Segment (DPS) - deactivates either a single page segment or all activated page segments. |
$D61F |
Load Font Control (LFC) - activates the font state and provides control information for a fully described font. |
$D62F |
Load Font (LF) - sends character raster patterns to a printer. |
$D60F |
Load Font Index (LFI) - transmits one complete index table with font informations to the printer |
$D6FF |
Acknowledge Reply (ACK)