



Define size, location and content of alphanumeric data on a form as “preprinted” fixed data field or as a dynamic data field. Following formats of a general alphanumeric command are available. Doe to space constraints, the command parameters are separated into two lines. During programming DO NOT separate command parameters.

Format of

- alphanumeric command as “preprinted” fixed data field:


- alphanumeric command as “preprinted” dynamic data field:


- incremental alphanumeric command as fixed data field:


- incremental alphanumeric command as dynamic data field:



  • ALPHA indicates the start of alphanumeric command
  • Cn defines optional horizontal compression parameter
  • I identifies the alphanumeric command as an incremental fixed data field command
  • AFn;l identifies the alphanumeric command as a preprinted dynamic data field command, where n is the number to identify the alphanumeric string location and l is the length of the dynamic alphanumeric string
  • IAFn;l identifies the alphanumeric command as an incremental dynamic data field command, where n is the number to identify the alphanumeric string location and l is the length of the dynamic alphanumeric string
  • dir is the optional parameter that defines the direction of character rotation
  • UC defines optional parameter to specify uppercase-only characters
  • DARK defines optional parameter to produce bolder text
  • POINT is the optional parameter that changes the units for the horizontal and vertical expansion values
  • HSval is the optional parameter to define extra horizontal spacing between characters
  • sr defines the starting row of the alphanumeric data
  • sc defines the starting column of the alphanumeric data
  • ve is the vertical expansion factor to enlarge characters vertically
  • he is the horizontal expansion factor to enlarge characters horizontally
  • idir defines the optional parameter to specify an increment (+) or decrement ­ to the data
  • stepmask defines the increment amount (step), the number of character positions in the data field, and provides a mask to control the increment/decrement function on specific parts of data
  • RPTn is the optional parameter that specifies the number of times a particular field value is repeated before it is incremented/decremented
  • RSTn is the optional parameter that specifies the number of times an incremented/decremented field value is printed before it is reset to the starting value
  • startdata defines the starting value of the incremental data field
  • text specifies the fixed alphanumeric string (group of ASCII characters) to print
  • (d) is the delimiter (printable character identifying the start and the end of the alphanumeric string)
  • STOP indicates the end of alphanumeric command

Bar Codes

Each bar code type has its own command to define the size, location, orientation, and data. Following formats of a general bar code command are available:

Format of

- bar code command as “preprinted” fixed data field:


- bar code command as “preprinted” dynamic data field:


- incremental bar code command as fixed data field:


- incremental bar code command as dynamic data field:



  • BARCODE indicates the start of the bar code command
  • type represents the bar code keyword (name), the available bar codes are listed in Table 'BARCODES'
  • CD defines the optional parameter to calculate and plot modulo-43 check digit for Codabar, Code 39
  • dir defines the optional parameter that allows to select the bar code rotation
  • mag defines the optional parameter to magnify (horizontally) a bar code symbol
  • Hn[.m] defines the optional parameter to adjust the overall height (vertical expansion), where n is the height adjustment and m is an additional number of dots for bar code height
  • BFn;l identifies a bar code command as a preprinted dynamic data field command, n is the number to identify the bar code string location and l is the length of the dynamic bar code string
  • I identifies a bar code command as an incremental fixed data field command
  • IBFn;l identifies a bar code command as an incremental dynamic data field command, n is the number to identify the bar code string location and l is the length of the dynamic bar code string
  • DARK defines the optional parameter to produce darker looking bar code
  • sr defines the starting row of the bar code
  • sc defines the starting column of the bar code
  • idir defines the optional parameter to specify an increment (+) or decrement ­ to the bar code data
  • stepmask defines the increment amount (step), the number of character positions in the bar code data field, and provides a mask to control the increment/decrement function on specific parts of data
  • RPTn is the optional parameter that specifies the number of times a particular field value is repeated before it is incremented/decremented
  • RSTn is the optional parameter that specifies the number of times an incremented/decremented field value is printed before it is reset to the starting value
  • startdata defines the starting value of the incremental bar code data field
  • data specifies the bar code characters
  • (d) defines the delimiter (printable character identifying the start and the end of the bar code data string)
  • PDF is the optional parameter to enable printing of the human readable data field
  • loc is the optional parameter to specify the location of the printable data field
  • font is the optional parameter to select the font for the human readable data field
  • STOP indicates the end of bar code command


Defines the size, location, and thickness of boxes.




  • BOX indicates the start of the box command
  • lt defines the line thickness
  • sr defines the starting row
  • sc defines the starting column
  • er defines the ending row
  • ec defines the ending column
  • STOP indicates the end of the box command


Defines the location, vertical and horizontal length, and thickness of a set of four corners.




  • CORNER indicates the start of the corner command
  • lt defines the line thickness
  • sr defines the starting row
  • sc defines the starting column
  • er defines the ending row
  • ec defines the ending column
  • vl defines the length of the vertical arm
  • hl defines the length of the horizontal arm
  • STOP indicates the end of the corner command

Horizontal Duplication

Defines the number of horizontal duplications of an element and the spacing between duplications.


  elements to be duplicated


  • HDUPindicates the start of the horizontal duplication command
  • dup#specifies the number of times the entered form elements will repeat horizontally
  • offset#specifies the horizontal spacing between each duplication
  • HDUP;OFFterminates the horizontal duplication command

Vertical Duplication

Defines the number of vertical duplications of elements and the spacing between duplications.


  elements to be duplicated


  • VDUP indicates the start of the vertical duplication command
  • dup# specifies the number of times the entered form elements will repeat vertically
  • offset# specifies the vertical spacing between each duplication
  • VDUP;OFF terminates the vertical duplication command

End Current Mode

After the end command is received, the IGP emulator flushes the errors, stores the portions of the form without errors, and then returns to the NORMAL MODE.




Selects fonts based on font characteristics.


  FONT[;option[ #]]


  • option defines a font characteristic such as FACE, NAME, BOLD, SLANT, SYMSET, POINT
  • # specifies the value of the corresponding font characteristic

Form Length

Specifies the form length by total number of lines at 6 or 8 lpi.


- to set the form length using 6 lpi


- to set the form length using 8 lpi



  • n specifies the form length in total number of lines at 6 or 8 lpi

Ignore Sequence

Enables the IGP-Emulator to ignore all characters after the command IGON occured, until the complement command IGOFF is entered.


- to enter Ignore Sequence


- to exit Ignore Sequence


Horizontal Lines

Defines the thickness, location, and size of horizontal lines.




  • HORZ indicates the start of the horizontal line command
  • lt defines the line thickness
  • r defines the row to draw the horizontal line
  • sc defines the starting column
  • ec defines the ending column
  • STOP indicates the end of the horizontal line command

Vertical Lines

Defines the thickness, location, and size of vertical lines.




  • VERT indicates the start of the vertical line command
  • lt defines the line thickness
  • c defines the column to draw the vertical line
  • sr defines the starting row
  • er defines the ending row
  • STOP indicates the end of the vertical line command

Logo Call

Selects and positions a previously defined logo.

Format of

- logo call command as fixed logo field command:


- logo call command as dynamic logo field command:



  • LOGO indicates the start of logo call command
  • GFn identifies a logo call command as a dynamic data field command, where n is the number to identify the logo location
  • sr defines the starting row
  • sc defines the starting column
  • logoname identifies a previously defined logo by name
  • STOP indicates the end of the logo call command

Create Logo Mode

Places the IGP-Emulator in the CREATE LOGO MODE.

Format, where logos can be defined using the

- appropriate dot placements:



  • logoname defines the name of the logo being created
  • vl defines the vertical length of the logo grid in dot rows
  • hl defines the horizontal length of the logo grid in dot columns
  • row# identifies the row number for each row of dots
  • dot identifies a single dot position within the row
  • ldot-rtdot identifies a serie of dot positions within the row including ldot on the left and rdot on the right side of a dot positions serie; series of dot positions can be combined with single dot positions in the same row
  • STOP ends the CREATE LOGO MODE, and reactivates the CREATE FORM MODE

- PCX file format:

  pcx raster data (sfcc)RASTEREND


  • logoname defines the name of the logo being created
  • TRIM is the optional parameter to remove extra white space bounding the image
  • ROT is the optional parameter to handle scanned rotated images
  • (T) is the line terminator (line feed, form feed) to separate the LOGODEF line from the beginning of the pcx raster data
  • pcx raster data specifies the scanned data in PCX black and white format
  • (sfcc) represents the Special Function Control Code
  • RASTEREND denotes the end of the pcx raster data
  • STOP ends the CREATE LOGO MODE, and reactivates the CREATE FORM MODE

- TIFF file format:

  tiff raster data (sfcc)RASTEREND


  • logoname defines the name of the logo being created
  • TRIM is the optional parameter to remove extra white space bounding the image
  • ROT is the optional parameter to handle scanned rotated images
  • (T) is the line terminator (line feed, form feed) to separate the LOGODEF line from the beginning of the tiff raster data
  • tiff raster data specifies the scanned data in TIFF black and white format
  • (sfcc) represents the Special Function Control Code
  • RASTEREND denotes the end of the tiff raster data
  • STOP ends the CREATE LOGO MODE, and reactivates the CREATE FORM MODE

Multinational Character Set

Selects one of the multinational or extended character sets available under IGP.




  • n identifies the character substitution set number

Page Number

Defines the location for automatically incremented page numbers.




  • PAGE indicates the start of the page number command
  • sr defines the starting row of the page number
  • sc defines the starting column of the page number


Specifies the printer paper options.


  PAPER[;option[ #]]


  • option defines the printer paper option such as DUPLEX, INPUT, OUTPUT, PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, ROTATE
  • # specifies the value of the corresponding paper option

Reverse Print

Defines an area of the form where form elements are reverse printed (white on black).




  • REVERSE indicates the start of the reverse print command
  • sr defines the starting row of the reverse print field
  • sc defines the starting column of the reverse print field
  • er defines the ending row of the reverse print field
  • ec defines the ending column of the reverse print field
  • STOP indicates the end of the reverse print command


Defines the vertical spacing and horizontal pitch for data positioning in characters or dot columns and rows.


- to specify the dot scale


- to specify the character scale



  • horz/vert defines the optional parameter to define horizontal and vertical resolutions for the dot scale
  • lpi defines the optional vertical line spacing parameter for the character scale
  • cpi defines the optional horizontal pitch parameter for the character scale

Select Format

Enables the IGP-Emulator to ignore all host-generated control codes between 00 and 0F hex (for example paper movement commands).


- to enter the Select Format


- to exit the Select Format



During Select Format following IGP paper movement commands can be entered (in UPPERCASE):

- for a carriage return (hex 0D)


- for a line feed (hex 0A)


- for a form feed (hex 0C)


convert4print/igp/kommandos_in_create_form_mode.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018-04-06 16:52 (Externe Bearbeitung)